

  《成衣设计与立体造型》是服装高等教育“十二五”部委级规划教材(本科),国家精品课程“服装立体裁剪”配套教材,浙江省高校系列教材。全书结构严谨、图文并茂,内容安排由部位到整体、由原理到应用,理论与实践并重、平面与立体交融,不仅对成衣造型进行深入细致的研究,还注重阐述立体试衣后的弊病修正,提升成衣设计与板型技术。对有代表性、经典、时尚的款式附有造型说明与方法解析。本书具体内容包括成衣立体造型概述,立体造型基础知识,衣身立体造型,衣袖立体造型,成衣立体造型解析,裙装、连衣裙、衬衫、上装、大衣立体造型等。随书配有教学软件,便于学习者掌握与应用。 《成衣设计与立体造型》具有较强的科学性、系统性、实战性和前瞻性,既可作为高等院校服装专业培养高等应用型、技能型人才的教学用书,也可作为服装企业技术人员的专业参考书和服装爱好者的有益读物。
第一章 成衣立体造型概述
Brief Introduction on Three-dimensional Form of Apparel
第一节 立体造型的起源与发展
Origin and Development of Three-dimensional Form
第二节 立体造型特点与应用范围
Features and Application Range of Three-dimensional Form
第三节 人体与服装的立体性
Three-dimensional Details of Human Body and Apparel
第四节 成衣设计与人体工程学
Apparel Design and Human Engineering
第二章 立体造型基础知识
Basic Knowledge of Three-dimensional Form
第一节 立体造型工具与材料
Tools and Materials for Three-dimensional Form
第二节 人体模型标记与补正
Mark and Modification of Three-dimensional Form
第三节 手臂模型制作与标记
Manufacture and Marks of Arm Model
第四节 布纹整理与别针针法
Arrangement of Cloth Marks and Stitch
第三章 衣身立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Bodice
第一节 衣身原型立体造型与样板制作
Three-dimensional Form and Pattern Making of Prototype
第二节 胸省位移立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Bust Dart Displacement
第三节 胸部分割立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Chest Segmentation
第四节 胸部皱褶立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Chest Crease
第四章 衣袖立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Sleeve
第一节 袖原型立体造型与样板制作
Three-dimensional Form and Pattern Making of Prototype Sleeve
第二节 两片袖立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Two-piece Sleeve
第三节 变化袖立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Altered Sleeve
第四节 组合袖立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Combined Sleeve
第五章 成衣立体造型解析
Analysis on Three-dimensional Form of Apparel
第一节 立体造型与成衣设计
Relationships between Three-dimensional Form and Apparel Design
第二节 立体造型与面料设计
Relationships between Three-dimensional Form and Fabric Design
第三节 立体造型与平面造型
Relationships between Three-dimensional Form and Two-dimensional Form
第四节 立体造型与样板制作
Relationships between Three-dimensional Form and Pattern Making
第六章 裙装立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Skirt
第一节 H型裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of H-shaped Straight Skirt
第二节 A型裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of A-shaped Circular Skirt
第三节 O型裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of O-shaped Ballon Skirt
第四节 V型裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of V-shaped Pleated Skirt
第五节 裙装立体试衣与弊病修正
Three-dimensional Fitting and Correct Fault of Skirt
第七章 连衣裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Dress
第一节 H型连衣裙立体造型Three-dimensional Form of H-shaped Dress
第二节 X型连衣裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of X-shaped Dress
第三节 A型连衣裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of A-shaped Dress
第四节 O型连衣裙立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of O-shaped Dress
第五节 连衣裙立体试衣与弊病修正
Three-dimensional Fitting and Correct Fault of Dress
第八章 衬衫立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Shirt
第一节 H型普通衬衫立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of H-shaped Normal Shirt
第二节 X型胸饰衬衫立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of X-shaped Jabot Shirt
第三节 A型褶饰衬衫立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of A-shaped Ruche Shirt
第四节 衬衫立体试衣与弊病修正
Three-dimensional Fitting and Correct Defect of Shirt
第九章 上装立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Upper Garment
第一节 H型上装立体造型
第二节 X型上装立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of X-shaped Upper Garment
第三节 T型上装立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of T-shaped Upper Garment
第四节 上装立体试衣与弊病修正
Three-dimensional Fitting and Correct Defect of Upper Garment
第十章 大衣立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of Overcoat
第一节 H型变化领大衣立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of H-shaped Overcoat with Altered Collar
第二节 X型披肩领大衣立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of X-shaped Overcoat with Cape Collar
第三节 A型连帽短大衣立体造型
Three-dimensional Form of A-shaped Short Overcoat with Hood
第四节 大衣立体试衣与弊病修正
Three-dimensional Fitting and Correct Defect of Overcoat